Paddle Checkout

Once you have configured dj-paddle you will want to create a checkout page to process orders.

Paddle JS

To use Paddle checkout you need to load in Paddle JS. The easiest way to do this is to include the dj-paddle.html template on your checkout page.:

{% include "djpaddle_paddlejs.html" %}


You need to have added the djpaddle.context_processors.vendor_id template context processor or manually add DJPADDLE_VENDOR_ID to your context.

If you want to customise the Paddle setup you can manually add PaddleJS and Paddle.Setup manually with:

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    vendor:  {{ DJPADDLE_VENDOR_ID }},

Checkout buttons

You can pass data to Paddle JS by add data attributes to the button. For example to set the users email you can use the data-email attribute

<a href="#!" class="paddle_button" data-product="{{ }}" data-email="{{ }}" >Buy Now!</a>

Additional data can be saved against a order / subsciption using passthrough as the data-passthrough attribute

<a href="#!" class="paddle_button" data-product="{{ }}" data-email="{{ }}" data-passthrough='{"user_id": {{ }}, "affiliation": "Acme Corp"}'>Buy Now!</a>

See the Paddle checkout web sending additional user data page for more information.

Checkout success

Without writing extra javascript, Paddle’s checkout process does not give you any data back when a user completes a purchase. Paddle only sends information to your app via Webhooks. This can mean your app is unaware a purchase has happened until the Webhook is processed.

dj-paddle comes with an extra template which automatically adds very basic checkout data to the Checkout model via an API request when the checkout process is completed. This is so you don’t have to write you own Post checkout javascript functions.

To use it you need to add the following to your template:

{% include "djpaddle_post_checkout.html" %}

This is done by automatically registering a Paddle successCallback onto any HTML element with the paddle_button class. `successCallback then does an API request to a dj-paddle endpoint to save Checkout data.

Redirect after checkout

If you want to redirect the user after the checkout process is complete while using djpaddle_post_checkout.html you can add a context variable called djpaddle_checkout_success_redirect.

This will then redirect the user after the checkout data has been saved. The redirect will also include a checkout query parameter ?checkout={checkout_id} so you can look up the checkout information on the redirected page.

Post-Checkout Order Information

Once the user has completed an order, you will probably want to display some kind of success message to you user with some information about the order. The best way to do this is redirecting the user to a success page using the djpaddle_checkout_success_redirect context variable above.

In the redirect view you can then get the basic order information from Paddle


As Paddle Post Checkout Order Information states, order processing may take a few seconds after the transaction to complete. It’s best to wait for the created / succeeded webhook to be processed before actually creating updating your model(s).


dj-paddle does not yet support one-off purchases and does not do anything with payment_succeeded webhooks. This means there is currently no signal for one of purchases.

To get notified as soon as the subscription_created Webhook has been processed by dj-paddle you can listen to a post_save signal on the Subscription model.

from djpaddle.models import Subscription

def paddle_subscription_reciever(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:

post_save.connect(paddle_subscription_reciever, sender=Subscription)

Keeping checkout information in sync

Due to Paddles checkout flow, it could be possible to miss checkout data and your system not to be in sync with Paddle. Because of this, you may want to ensure your data is in sync with Paddle.

Using the dj-paddle checkout model

If you have been using the djpaddle_post_checkout.html template you should have a record of each successful checkout in the djpaddle Checkout model. This model can then be used to compare each against each Subscription.checkout_id to ensure no Webhooks have been missed.

More info and management command coming soon

Using Paddle’s Webhook history

Retrieving past events and alerts that Paddle has sent via webhooks using the Get Webhook History API. They should be replayed in the order they were created.

More info and management command coming soon

Other Paddle post checkout options

If you want to manually configure what happens after a checkout has been completed instead of using the checkout_push.html template please see:


  • Subscriptions currently do not have an option within Paddle to set a redirect URL via the seller dashboard
  • For normal products, using the successCallback or data-success-callback will override any success redirect set in your Seller Dashboard. This includes using the djpaddle_post_checkout template above
  • When redirecting using the data-success attribute (mentioned here), the redirect URL will NOT receive a checkout query parameter (checkout={checkout_hash}). Because of this, it is not advised to use this as the redirect provides no information about the checkout that has just been completed
  • If you still want to use data-success ensure the value is set to the full URL of your application using request.build_absolute_uri()